There are many legitimate ways to earn extra cash and supplemental income online. Nowadays, anyone can do it.
If you want to bring in some additional income to help with the household bills, save for a vacation or get yourself out of debt, there are many websites online to get you started. You don’t have to be highly experienced or have a long resume to work with any of these four websites to begin making money online.
1. SliceThePie
has to be one of the coolest websites for making money online! Get
paid to listen to a song and then write a brief review to give the
artist your feedback.
Although this gig doesn’t pay
enough to count as a job, it is something you can do any time, day or
night. Additionally, SliceThePie pays to your PayPal account a few
days after you withdraw your funds (provided you have reached the
minimum $10 cash-out threshold).
There is no application
process, just sign up and begin earning money. SliceThePie is a fun
way to make some extra cash when you have a few spare moments through
the day.
works with people from all over the United States to write very basic
articles on a wide variety of topics. For instance, my first
Textbroker article was on the topic of how to properly hang curtains.
I spent a few minutes finding a few articles online as my resource
and quickly typed up the short article.
Although Textbroker does have
an application process, it is very light and almost everyone who can
use proper grammar, lives in the US, and speaks English is quickly
The greatest benefit of writing
for Textbroker is their quick weekly pay to your PayPal account.
3. Fiverr
is making a huge wave with freelancers online. Anyone can make money
using Fiverr. Just create an account and begin thinking up things you
can do virtually for five bucks!
Whatever your specialty may be,
from proofreading articles to giving tips about how to feed an
iguana, there is no limit! You can also make things (like a pair of
earrings) and sell for five bucks, just add an additional shipping
cost that the buyer will be responsible for.
Fiverr is a fun way to make
money, however, they do keep a portion of your earnings (everyone’s
gotta make money). After Fiverr keps their portion and you pay your
PayPal fees, you usually see around $3.77 per gig. So, keep that in
mind when brainstorming the services you will offer at Fiverr.
4. Amazon Mechanical Turk
is an internet marketplace that enables individuals or businesses to
co-ordinate the use of human intelligence to perform tasks that
computers are currently unable to do. Requesters post tasks known as
HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks). Workers can browse tasks such as
choosing the best among several photographs of a store-front, writing
product descriptions, censoring videos or identifying performers on
music CDs.
Payments for HITs range from
cents to $40+, although many are around $1. The minimum cash out
threshold is $10, which is not bad, because you can get to that level
relatively quickly. Payments for completing tasks can be redeemed on via gift certificate or be later transferred to a Worker's
U.S. bank account. With the great variety of tasks available it is
definitely worth a look.
5. QuickTate
is a general transcription company that mostly deals with
transcribing voice mail into text. It is a fun job, listening to
other people’s phone’s voice messaging system and typing out what
is said.
Unfortunately, QuickTate
doesn’t pay much for this work, but their application process is
very simple and easy to pass.
Many people use QuickTate as a
way to gain some general transcription experience and ease their way
into becoming a genuine freelance transcriptionist. Working online at
QuickTate is a great way to hone your typing and listening skills.
6. HulkCoin
is a website where you earn HulkCoins. You can earn these by doing
surveys, playing games, completing offers or you can watch HulkTV! I
spent a good amount of time watching Food Network Videos and got a
nice amount of HCs while learning new recipes.
You can then spend these on a vast
selection of gift cards or prizes. They also have raffles for paypal
gift cards that you can enter for a small amount of HulkCoins. This
site is more geared toward having a good time rather than making lots
of cash.
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